Versions Compared


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  1. Discussion re: project board items
  2. Other discussion
  3. Facilitator & Notetaker for next meeting
    1. Facilitator:
    2. Notetaker:

Action items 

Drew:  will place ticket and start conversation with Tom Johnson 2

Ryan:  will make an ask of Steering Committee at around $10K

Drew:  Action Item review

Jen - Got in touch with Tom Johnson, he did commit to completing interview questions.  Two weeks ago, so as a follow up, can post what those questions look like.  Do an example that's relevant and timely.  S3 or other relevant topic.  Can you give me a rough interview of how to interact with the system at a high level.  Don't modify actor, you make a new actor.  How do I do what I want to do?  


Drew:  is it tagged as Actor?  It's a term that gets thrown around a lot.  We should target target those terms.

Lynette:  We can do that.

Drew:  Not much progress.

Ryan:  The two stories were created.  They're in the board.

Drew:  Board has dropped off in usefulness.  All kind of in same boat.  We have 4 tickets in progress, created in May and June of 2017 - we aren't moving tickets that fast.  Are we still using this organization of work as intended?  Is work lagging?  

Jen:  We're just busy.  It isn't broken.  

Drew:  Yeah, just dsiheartening to see slower progress.

Jen:  We're back on it!

Drew:  Lots of positive energy behind interviews and user process.   Anyone have time?  I'm swamped until January.

Lynette:  Yeah, I'm swamped putting stuff into master.

Lynette:  Send Ryan link for developer.

Jen:  listing ways to find developer communities - likely to find more than just Tom Johnson 2.  Can scope out what we want this person to be doing.  Versioning.  

Lynette:  Added link to Github repo for his docmentation.

  1.  Fairly simple - another layer of depth in the menus - need to go deeper than 2 layers.  
  2. Incorporating versioning - so you can go to most recent, then drop menu that allows you to switch between differnet versions.  

Drew:  Git has some versioning.  Custom front matter?

Lynette:  Yeah, A-Z is custome front matter - problem is couldn't have only one show up in the left-hand menu.  WHole lefthand menu loses it's place if you're talking versions.  Example - metadata - multiple pages, way too complex.  Need that lefthand menu.  Need to know you're doing this with version 1 or 2.  That kind of thing - but don't have time to delve into code.  Maybe to TJ2, not so complicated?

Drew:  If we find someone we want to hire - no idea what the rate is.  Probably a higher rate.  Someone who needs to draw up the contract - but there's almost always some dispute at the end of the contract.  Rarely is it ever square at the end.  Go with idea of hiring someone.  How do we deal with it if contract is not met?

Alternatively, could hire a trainer to train us on Jekyll.  Larger set of return on gains.  

Jen:  Good fallback position, but we're super strapped.  It's a great longterm solution.  The theme is in Ruby, just not optimum for next x amount of time.  Good to be super clear about what we want.  Worst case scenario, deliver something we can make sense out of and work with.  

Drew:  Worst case scenario - it all falls apart and we don't get anymore money.

Jen:  half up front, half on delivery.  All public, too.  They don't want disputes on their own records.  

Drew:  Craft documents, find person, stay in communication with them.  

Jen:  Need 

Lynette:  we can't estimate because we don't know enough about the problem.  Tom might know.  Float it past him, show code, show him where we're stuck.  Rate, how much work, to open up the conversation?  How much would it be, how much would you charge?  Keeps it informal.

Drew:  Encourage Ryan to go back with a number.  Find out where the ceiling is.

Jen:  It's hard stuff but we can do it.

Drew:  ACTION ITEM:  Reach out to Tom Johnson - ask a few questions.  

Ask him how long to put in a more manageable manageable versioning system.  Ask him about layering of menus.  Lynette can pint Drew to key pieces.  Probably can even point to versioning in PR's.  

ACTION ITEM:  Ask if $10K is under our ceiling for what they have to offer

Lynette:  PR - leave all versions in the menu, option 2:  only latest version in sidebar with drop down on item page

We have all diffferent kinds of gems for all different versions - makes it more complex than usual.  Lynette will put a link in Slack to PR.  Will provide assisttance.  

Only small changes to pages.  ReadMe has some documentation, too.  Lynette can definitely help out.  

