Note |
This page is a work in progress. |
Ruby 3.2.x and Node.js 20.x are recommended.
If the migration reports that the migration was successful but the counts do not match, it could be that parent objects have been deleted orphaning SupplementalFiles, a known problem.
MediaObject Section List Migration
Avalon 7.8 moves data about section order from a separate fedora object to a property on the MediaObject model to be more performant when objects have many sections. The MediaObject model is already coded to lazily migrate existing objects whenever they are saved and this migration will finish updating objects that haven’t already been migrated.
Code Block |
RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails r "ActiveFedora::SolrService.instance.conn.get('select', params: { rows: 1_000_000, q: 'has_model_ssim:MediaObject', fl: [:id, :section_list_ssim], sort: 'id asc' })['response']['docs'].each {|doc| puts \"#{doc['id']}: section_ids: #{JSON.parse(doc['section_list_ssim'].first || '[]').to_s}\" }" > log/section_list_dump.post_migration.txt diff -awu log/section_list_dump.pre_migration.txt log/section_list_dump.post_migration.txt |
Note |
Note that while the migration is running there will be duplicate values in the format facet in search results. The indexed value of the format changed in 7.8 so both will appear until all items have been migrated. |
Upgrade Steps
For Manual Installations
Install ruby 3.2.x (if needed)
Update gems, and migrate DB
Code Block bundle install --with production --without development test RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migrate
Install node.js 20.x (if needed)
Update JS dependencies
Code Block yarn install # in Avalon root dir
Update configuration, see Config changes above
Restart passenger (if using)
Code Block passenger-config restart-app
Run rake migrations
Code Block RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake avalon:migrate:backfill_parent_id RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake avalon:migrate:media_object_section_list
For Docker Installations
Warning | ||||
Before upgrading an AWS docker install based on
Then load them into an S3 bucket:
See for more discussion on this. If you run into any problems, please reach out on slack or the email list. |
Stop Avalon
Code Block docker-compose down
Update new code from avalon-docker
Code Block git checkout main git pull
Pull new images
Code Block docker-compose pull avalon solr
Check config changes then restart the Avalon containers
Code Block docker-compose up
Run rake migrations (inside avalon container)
Code Block RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake avalon:migrate:backfill_parent_id RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake avalon:migrate:media_object_section_list