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✍️ Please add your name to the attendee list below the agenda


March 21st

October 26th


Led by


9:00 - 9:10

Welcome and logistics


9:10 - 9:40

Samvera Connect 2024: what did we learn about the hosting choices we made this year, and what are the lessons learned for next year?

  • Discuss potential approaches to meeting in person. What are some ways we can meet that are accessible, valuable, and financially viable?


9:40 - 10:00

New Partner outreach - idea from Heather about pairing longtime adopters who could be Partners with potential nominating Partners to discuss Partnership

Potential Ford Foundation grant opportunity review and feedback

Looking at the next call of this infrastructure grant – bumped to next partner call

Heather & Kirsten

10:00 - 10:15


10:15 - 10:30

2023 budget report and 2024 budget planning report


10:30 - 10:45

Potential grant opportunities

Outreach to potential new Partners for 2024


10:45 - 11:30

Technical staffing investment models: What are our priorities for funding volunteer technical leadership and/or development hours, and how will we fund them?

  • continuing to offer reimbursement for a .5 FTE Hyrax tech lead past June 2024. Should we continue this model and if so, how to fund it

  • development fund/pledge model options; how is this in conflict with or could be paired with tech lead funding

  • continuity and identifying candidates for upcoming vacancies

11:30 - 11:






50 - 12:15

What can we learn from consortial models of working together that might not have been tried in our community/in open source repositories?

Follow-up from Working Groups:

Outreach & Engagement discussion question: where do your stakeholders and decision-makers – those who need to hear about the value of participation in and financial support for open source repositories and Samvera – get their information? Looking for where to start sending press releases, and other ways to reach this audience.


12:15 - 12:45

Hyrax Valkyrization next steps:

  • Where does the work stand and how do we sustain momentum to make sure Milestone 2 (migration tooling/process) and Milestone 3 (Fedora 6) are completed?

  • Getting feedback on the state of Hyrax from contributors to the Valkyrization work

12:45 - 1:00

Wrap up


Parking Lot