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(meeting notes below)



Meeting Process

titleModerator and Note Taker - click to see meeting process...
  1. Standing pre-agenda items (moderator)
    1. Welcome

      • "Welcome everyone, please add your name to the Attendees list.  If you are unable to do so, please let us know, and someone will add you. To any newcomers, Welcome, and please feel free to ask questions. Likewise for all attendees. We strive for an open and accessible conversation around Samvera technology."

    2. Call for new agenda items
  2. Follow Agenda from above (facilitated by moderator) and record notes in Notes section below (note taker)
  3. Standing post-agenda items (moderator)
    1. call for next moderator and note taker (moderator)
      1. Moderator:
      2. Notetaker:
    2. Samvera help follow-up (moderator)
    3. Pull request review (moderator)
  4. Post-meeting action (note taker)
    1. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call:
      1. Open template agenda titled "Samvera Tech Call 2021-xx-xx"
      2. Click on ... in the top right corner, and select copy.
      3. Popup will open for location. It should contain:
        1. Space: Samvera
        2. Parent page: 2021
      4. Select copy. New page should be created.
      5. Modify the title to remove "copy of", update it with the next date, add moderator, notetaker, and any carry-over agenda info. Click Publish. 




  • (James needs to request Zoom permissions for screen sharing and granting host status to others)
  • Hyrax Pull Requests from Lynette
    • PR #5042 and PR #5057 require additional reviews from Tamsin Johnson before they can be advanced by others
    • PR #5059 some actions weren't tested, James can review this
  • Hyrax PR 5056 from Michael
    • Came out of the last Dev Congress
    • Using ActiveFedora with Valkyrie for using data seeding
    • Request for feedback given some obstacles
      • Trying to set the permissions, doesn't seem to do anything
      • 02-valkyrie.rb
        • All Collections remain "private" when the seeds are run
        • In the past, there was an approach to removing the "private" visibility on the Collection
          • col.visibility = Hydra::AccessControls::AccessRight::VISIBILITY_TEXT_VALUE_PUBLIC
      • Documentation challenges are there, there was a Documentation IG
        • Perhaps we should explore whether or not documentation should be considered equal in value to code work for community labor resource planning
      • Recommended page for outlining development patterns for Hyrax
    • Tamsin had recommended that the Monograph Class be used in creating the seed Works
      • Encountered issues in which Collection membership and display logic behaved slightly inconsistently
      • Much better luck in creating a new GenericWork and retrieved the Valkyrie::Resource from this
      • Lynette's two PRs start to advance improved Collection membership relationship behavior
    • There were also difficulties encountered in file attachments
  • Developer maintenance hour drive 2022 (Heather)
    • Going to be presented to the Partners Meeting
    • James will individually e-mail the CCMWG individually
      • Heather will be notified when James is finished
  • Next Scheduled Samvera Tech. Call
    • Moderator: Lynette
    • Notetaker: James

Meeting adjourned at 09:24 PDT/12:24 EDT