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MARC to MODS Crosswalk (created 6/27/2013, updated 1/7/2015 KM)
Standards/Records consulted

Adapted from; June, 2013

  • NUL actually has in Voyager for bib records that represent sound or video recordings
  • Recommendations of MARC usage by OLAC (the Online AudiovisualCatalogers organization)
  • FIAF (International Federation of Film Archives)
  • Recommendations from the assistant head of Bibliographic Services and the Senior Music Cataloger at NUL
Details of Crosswalk

Tab 1, Avalon_crosswalk: the proposed mapping, based on LC’s mapping of MARC to MODS. This is dense and meant for developers and catalogers.

Tab 2, Dropped mappings: a list of elements LC maps to MODS but I decided we didn’t want. Also includes a list of elements I added to the LC crosswalk.

Tab 3, MARC_NUL: Includes a list of MARC codes used in NUL’s database for any bib. record that might describe audio or video (and thus includes a lot that aren’t), a tally of how many records use each MARC field, a corresponding column of LC elements mapped, and color/font coding describing how any discrepancies should be handled. Also very dense, not for the faint of heart.

Tab 4, Note: A detailed list of outstanding questions, most of which are summarized below, plus other notes. It would be great if somebody at IU in cataloging who’s familiar with the Variations mapping could look this over and let us know what they think. Update: IU catalogers for sound recordings and film/video consulted and answers/decisions to questions noted.

Unresolved Issues
Variations uses
We will consider mapping the MARC
655 (Genre), MARC
047 (
form of
Musical Composition Code),
composition) element in some circumstances if we find we're not getting sufficient data from other elements (i.e., 655 and 008/18
(Form of composition). We'd decided early on not to use <genre> in the Resource Description page, but can easily reconsider. So: Is it important to have the Form of Musical Composition Codes mapped to MODS <genre>?
  • IU maps MARC 048 to an element called mediumOfPerformance. This MARC field holds a code for instruments and the number of parts. This is NOT in the LC mapping and there is no obvious MODS element for it. Should keep it? If so, it will likely go into a MODS note or into an extension element.
  • Variations keeps the Target Audience field, which I don't believe is used much at NUL. Is this important to keep? We'd also decided early on not to use this MODS element, which is called <tartetAudience>, in the Resource Description page.
  • I’ve suggested dropping most local notes but IU doesn't do that for Variations. Our music & video catalogers think it's not useful "unless they contain NUL specific information", but it's difficult to determine without human interaction. Is there systematic use of local notes that is reliably useful at IU?
  • I have dropped all elements that describe characteristics of the media which will be automatically generated at the time of ingest, including Playing Time, which is not mapped by LC but would likely map into a child of the MODS <physicalDescription> element. Is there any reason not to do this?
  • Example Records











    The MARC to MODS Crosswalk for Avalon reflects a much more complete list of fields than is currently available for use in Avalon Media System. We are aiming high and this crosswalk reflects where we would like to end up. - 01/08/2015

    Release 4.0

    Adds support for various notes and for system identifiers other than the bibliographic identifier used to import MARC metadata. Moves the location of the bibliographic identifier from mods/identifer to mods/relatedItem@type="original"/identifer and adds the attribute "source" to the element recordInfo/recordIdentifier.

    Case 1 - Resource Description Form:
    MARC fields from Z39.50 call based on a single supplied unique identifier needs to populate the Resource Description form.

    MARC fields mapped to Resource Description form fields mapped to MODS [XLS]

    Resource Description form fields populated by XPath from MARCXML result [XLS]

    Case 2 - Batch Spreadsheet:
    MARC fields from Z39.50 calls based on 1 or many supplied unique identifiers needs to populate a spreadsheet to be used for batch ingest.

    MARC fields mapped to Batch Manifest columns mapped to MODS [XLS]

    Batch Manifest columns populated by XPath from MARCXML result [XLS]

    Release 3.2

    Sample set of 3 records in MARCXML from Z39.50 call [XML]

    Case 1 - Resource Description Form:
    MARC fields from Z39.50 call based on a single supplied unique identifier needs to populate the Resource Description form.

    MARC fields mapped to Resource Description form fields mapped to MODS [XLS]

    Resource Description form fields populated by XPath from MARCXML result [XLS]

    Case 2 - Batch Spreadsheet:
    MARC fields from Z39.50 calls based on 1 or many supplied unique identifiers needs to populate a spreadsheet to be used for batch ingest.

    MARC fields mapped to Batch Manifest columns mapped to MODS [XLS]

    Batch Manifest columns populated by XPath from MARCXML result [XLS]