Versions Compared


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This documentation is for Release 7.0 and above. For documentation on previous releases, please select from the options below.

  • Release 1.x version of this page: v.81
  • Release 2.x version of this page: v.87.
  • Release 3.0-3.1 version of this page: v.111.
  • Release 3.2 version of this page: v.116.
  • Release 4.0 version of this page: v.143.
  • Release 5.x version of this page: v.163.
  • Release 6.0 version of this page: v.177
  • Release 6.3-6.5 version of this page: v.201

These instructions provide a recipe for building your own all-in-one Avalon system from scratch on CentOS or Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 7.x.  Please note that while an all-in-one, single machine installation as outlined here is certainly suitable for testing and demos, a single, all-in-one, server may not be suitable for production environments are typically implemented across multiple servers running the main components of the application.

Table of Contents


Try it out on your local machine and on another machine. If you can't reach the app from another machine, your iptables1957955315 might need to be changed to allow access. If Fedora is not up, check the tomcat logs in /var/log/tomcat/. Catalina.out and localhost.<date>.log usually provide the best information.


Code Block
mkdir -p /tmp/avalon_solr/
wget -O /tmp/avalon_solr/solrconfig.xml
wget -O /tmp/avalon_solr/schema.xml
su solr # Needs to run as solr user
/opt/solr/bin/solr create_core -c avalon -d /tmp/avalon_solr


Code Block
wget --no-check-certificate -P /etc/httpd/conf.d/
vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/20-avalon.conf


Replace database.yml with the correct values for your production environment. Note that the pool setting should be equal or exceed the number of concurrent jobs in Sidekiq.

Code Block
  adapter: mysql2
  host: localhost
  database: rails
  username: rails
  password: rails
  pool: 520
  timeout: 5000

Install the mysql2 adapter 


Code Block
# as root
wget -O /lib/systemd/system/sidekiq.service


You can find specific information about using the system in the Collection Manager's Guide.  /wiki/spaces/AVALON/pages/1957954522 is available for your convenience.  Upload new items individually or by batch directly via SFTP using the avalondrop account you created above.

Configure additional feataures

Known Issues - a list of bugs, workarounds, and cautions.
