Versions Compared


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For information on current and previous versions of Avalon, please see the Releases page on Github.

Upcoming 6.x Releases

  • Enhanced structural metadata editing—edit structure for a section visually
  • Import of structure within media files (such as WAV cue points) upon ingest
  • Performance improvements for objects and playlists with large numbers of items
  • IIIF Manifest generation from media objects

Release 7

Moving to Hyrax and the Modern Samvera Stack   

Our goal with Avalon 7.0 is to offer a full-featured media streaming application based on the modern Samvera stack. To this end, Avalon 7 will be built using Hyrax as a base, offering developers an environment they know and understand, and offering administrators the flexibility to run stand-alone streaming solutions or integrate scalable streaming into existing Hyrax-based applications. As we work toward full-feature parity with Avalon 6, we will continue development and support. Each dot release milestone is estimated to be a 6-week work cycle.


The goal of this cycle is to continue refinement of our media work type while developing our streaming/derivative generation pipeline. UI/UX work will begin, and we will deliver initial mockups. Work on the standalone player will continue. 6.4.4 will be cut as a bug fix.

Descriptive Metadata

  • Continued refinement of descriptive metadata and the Audiovisual work type
  • Descriptive Metadata continues / Version .2 of spec is implemented in WorkType

Ingest/Streaming Pipline

  • Discuss matterhorn replacement (sidekiq + ffmpeg?)
    • Derivative parameters can be set by administrators (ex: ffmpeg flags)
    • Derivatives files pushed to streaming location and stream URL info saved in record
    • Basic job information on status of processing relayed to user
  • Masterfile management configurable in Avalon (move, delete etc.)
  • Files uploaded into Avalon have streaming derivatives created in local and cloud environments (AWS)
  • Player can stream using cloudfront or wowsa

Structural Metadata Editor

  • Get sign off from stakeholders
  • Refine mockups
  • Create simple structural editor from mockups

Player Work/ IIIF Manifest work

  • Store caption files and display them on the player
    • Deciding how this information will be stored in the manifest—reference to a captions file (inline comes later)
  • Storing structural metadata XML and generating that as part of the IIIF manifest
  • Finalizing how that structure is represented in the manifest


  • Cut bug fix from current 6.x branch



  • Re-evaluating IIIF 3 manifest generation as the spec nears completion
  • Expanded streaming server support

Batch Ingest

  • Possible Hyrax import gem (or generic base with per-app modifications)
  • Developing in collaboration with WGBH/AVP using Donut work
  • Ensure batch ingest spreadsheet and documentation updated

UI/UX work - mockups / Initial design work

  • Create designs for Home/list/item and playlist pages
  • Structural metadata rendering
  • Avalon look and feel defined, with mockups for evaluation
  • Start of style guide
  • Wireframes generated
  • Hi-fidelity (HTML) mockups?

Critical Feature work

  • Playlist Endpoint (No UI)Can create a playlist
    • Can create an item in playlist with a stop / start
    • Can read a playlist and playlist items
  • Playlists have an endpoint that returns IIIF manifest(s)
  • Standalone player can play playlist manifest (basic functionality)
  • Avalon needs


Avalon 7.8 (Summer 2024)

Features and Changes

  • Search within transcripts on the item page
  • Improved searching in the application—see which specific fields in the record are matched by search

Avalon 8.0

  • Fedora 6 support with ActiveFedora
  • Improved internationalization options


For detailed information on current and previous versions of Avalon, please see the Releases page on Github.