Versions Compared


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  1. Notetaker and moderator for next time
    1. Notes:
    2. Moderate:
  2. After call, this week's notetaker should create the agenda for the next call.
  3. If desired, stay after the call to assist in grooming PR backlog


Information Gathering and Feature Specs


  • Working with collection sprints
  • Document (rather than refactor) for feature specs
    • Pull them out into a separate route
    • Linked to Documentation WG
    • Created an issue in response to these needs
    • Easier to publish a page outlining the feature spec. refactoring proposal
    • Collaborated with Giarlo and Rayle


  • Basic proposal is that the feature tests woiuld be extracted out of main test suite
  • Own run in CI, run weekly or monthly
    • Wouldn't block builds for each Pull Request
  • The proposal details this approach

Hyrax 2.1 Release Update

Van Tuyl

  • First round of QA testing will finish this week


  • Tests in script have been executed on at least one browser and on O/S
  • Continuing to work through this process later today
  • Aim for a beta release by next week

Van Tuyl

  • 14 blocking issues to the release exist
  • Call for collaboration on resolving these issues


  • 8 are being actively resolved

Van Tuyl

  • If you've done work on an issue related to this project, you might be contacted
  • Any questions?


  • Files that a Work contains when Work is public but the Files are private
    • Blocks the file name (changed to "File"), but still renders that the file is there
    • Thumbnail is also hidden, but is rendered in IIIF Viewer
    • Clicking on the link directs to an "Unauthorized" page
    • Is that the desired behavior?
    • Not a bug from the Collections Extensions Sprint


  • Was it intentional to render those private Files to unauthenticated users?


  • Can extend a SearchBuilder to filter by access controls
  • Should this be undertaken?

Van Tuyl

  • Interested in contacting the Repository Managers IG


  • Should also contact the Tech. List (samvera-tech)
  • Two use cases
    • Shouldn't render the files at all
  • Perhaps permit configuration to render or hide these Files?

Hyrax 2.0 Stable Support


  • Two weeks, the 2.0 stable build has been broken
  • 5 individual dependency shifts caused some problem
    • SimpleForm breaks, for example
    • Fixes were not backported
  • Johnson has been addressing technical debt in order to ensure that 2.0 stable continues to be stable when these updates are applied
  • How best to address this collectively?
    • Was merged this morning by Colvard
    • 2.0 is now, once again, stable
  • What commitment do we have to stable releases?

Van Tuyl

  • Has the community had a policy or standard around this?
  • If not, what does everyone see as the best practices


  • No established practices
  • Adopters are expected to undertake the backporting
  • Certain institutions might want to stay with 2.0 build given the issues involved in supporting dependency updates


  • Demand for maintenance on existing builds has far exceeded the resources available to undertake this work


  • Many of the solutions required more time to sort through the commit history
  • Ideally, this time could be reduced significantly through improving reviewing of commits


  • Code Stability WG is attempting to address these types of problems
  • Beyond simply regression tests, how can one diagnose a particular problem


  • Might this be related to Gemspecs with too loosely-versioned Gem dependencies


  • No, for example, SimpleForm had a bugfix which broke hydra-forms functionality


  • But, when moving to a stable release, if a Gemspec versions were tighter, perhaps these problems could be mitigated
  • Not advocating that every Gem be pinned down for a patch release, but this should be addressed for a stable release


  • Addressing changes in dependencies by pinning releases can be done
  • But more broadly, labeling which commits/pull requests resolve specific bugs might resolve this more effectively


  • Perhaps could research which releases are affected by a given bug before one starts to resolve the bug


  • That's ideal, but requires a system in place to support back-releases
  • Requiring one to analyze other releases before resolving a bug might further reduce the number of potential contributors


  • Governance WG has released recommendations around how this could be better organized
  • Resourcing
    • Finding adequate resourcing is essential
    • Forming a new WG to develop a model for better resourcing (particularly for addressing maintenance)
    • Invitation for others to become involved


  • Feedback for the findings of the Governance WG is due today

Van Tuyl

  • Is there a more immediate need to deal with backporting issues before process is defined


  • It could be fine right now
  • Triaging before a bug is resolved sounds fine
  • Finding which Hyrax versions are supported, and which features are being backported
  • If you are doing code review, you might be looking for this type of difference
    • Answering that for supported Hyrax releases would be an improvement

Van Tuyl

  • Added this topic to the next Hyrax Roadmap Advisory IG meeting
  • Any other issues can come to the tech. call as they arise





(Hyrax Pull Request Grooming Follows)