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Stuart Kenny

Tim Lepczyk

Glen Horton

Rob Kaufman

Kevin Kochanski

your name here...

Agenda and notes

  1. Notetaker for next call (December 11th):  Kevin Kochanski

  2. Any other items for the agenda? 

  3. Community actions this month
    1. Congratulations to the Avalon Media System team on the release of Avalon 7.2! Represents first steps towards allowing additional/supplementary files (transcripts etc) along with the media.
    2. Samvera Tech 101 blog post: HGK will share
    3. Roadmap alignment document – reminder and request to add your institution's planned work. Particularly if you are planning work related to REST API, analytics, preservation, IIIF, bulk import/export you will want to see what your colleagues are currently planning.

      1. Take a look at the API documentation and update. Roadmap alignment group plans to take action based on this information, so this is more than informational.
  4. Review of 2020 Connect On-line – what worked well, what you'd like to see more and less of next time

    1. Really good for new members in the community and great opportunity to connect with community and network as well as learn more about various technical aspects.

    2. Presentations went very smoothly, good audience participation. 

    3. Positive experience getting new people involved as well, also positive responses from using Sched. 

    4. Haven’t gotten a sense of the number of first time attendees, Heather is going to look through information on attendance list and pull this out.

    5. Keeping everything in the same stream and not too many breakout rooms, simplified the experience and organization/logistics

    6. Robin and Chris were mentors for a woman from British Library, but sense that it didn’t work as well virtually. They had a preliminary discussion and that seemed to be valuable and gave her more ability to join in conversation on Slack and other channels. Worth doing, even if it wasn’t as rich an experience as in person mentorship. Having two people to create a bit easier dynamic for the mentorship so there were 3 people (two mentors, one mentee) was helpful.

  5. Community Manager Priorities - Heather will review her short-term priorities and goals for the next three months.
    1. Administrative foundations    
      1. Learn, document and take on Richards work
      2. Establish Google Workplace — new tools
        1. Calendaring (Schedule time with Heather), public folders, shared drive  
      3. Move to free hosted Confluence — improved tool
        1. Outgrown this space where we don’t have enough features.
        2. The current organization can be frustrating for new users       
        3. is a good guide to follow   
        4. Robin had a question for Heather comparing issues that we have with Atlassian accounts within Lyrasis to our new wikispace accounts. I lost a bit of this, so not entirely sure of this other then it seems like accounts for the wikispace should be easier than it’s been in the past.
      4. Wiki gardening
    2. Communications strategy & execution    
      1. Call for anyone interested to join Marketing Working Group   
      2. Trying to make announcements through various channels as simple as possible   
      3. Additional ideas       
        1. Monthly roundup  
        2. Community Asks       
          1. Externally focused mailing list/newsletter
    3. Roadmap Alignment & Hyrax Coordination   
      1. Working closely with Product Owners, and
    4. Building Knowledge and relationships   
      1. Getting primary contacts within each partner 
  6. Potential dates for Samvera Virtual Connect – are there major conflicts or conferences?    April 20-21 or April 27-28
    1. No known conflicts at this point with either date, which are both Tuesday Wednesday
  7. Anything to raise with the Steering Group (standing item)

  8. Date of next call
    1. Friday 11th December, usual time slot
