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Then, the PR will be merged and James will move the repository on GitHub

Reviewing the Deliverables for this Working Group

  • We said we would review the Core Components list
  • We lasted for one year and not six months - no one could recall us explicitly extended the WG
  • Updating the Core Components List
    • We have an open PR to update the Core Component list on the website
    • We did deprecate components where appropriate
      • (solrizer and om)


  • We advanced getting Components up to standards


  • We promoted Core Components
    • iiif_manifest was promoted to Samvera
  • Technical Debt


    • We did not really do much in order to note where technical debt lies for Core Components
    • Noah: We did discuss this for certain components, we kicked certain Gems out and didn't fully discuss anything more extensive
      • solr_config updates for ActiveFedora and the om dependency for HydraEditor were addressed
  • Installation Data


    • We need to re-run the reporting tool developed by Ben Armintor to assess the usage of each Core Component


  • Representation on the Roadmap Council
    • Mark has been representing us on the Roadmap Council
  • Addressing Security Updates
    • We have not run into any security alerts
    • Noah: We also have GitHub repository alerts enabled in at least some cases
    • Tom: We have not received any security alerts, and there were certainly security issues within Hyrax during this period
      • Suspects that the best approach is to call out an action for any future group to evaluate security processes
      • For the Core Components, there are actually applications which deploy the Gems, and check their own security (DCE and Notch8 are proactive about security concerns)
      • We would have likely heard from any others
    • Trey: There is one security alert in Repository
    • Tom: There is a need to call for an improved process in future phases of this WG

2019 Technical Health Report

  • We need to write this
  • Rails 6.x just came out is going to constitute a large section of this
  • Otherwise, we have been able to deal with significant technical or security issues for Components
  • Next meeting: Should focus on drafting this report as the goal of the meeting
  • Tom: Create the document now and add some structural work on it between now and the next meeting
  • How should this be structured?  On a per-component basis?


  • Members will continue to work on this asynchronously before the next scheduled meeting

Action Items:

  • Update documentation for the Core Components on
  • Run the reporting tool again with updated repositories
    • Trey can take this action item (but might need to reevaluate the tool given that there are new Partners)
  • Then, write the technical health report
    • We should be able to deliver this report at Samvera Connect
    • This


    • will be followed by a request to spin up a new phase of this WG as appropriate

Next Phase of this WG

  • We ended before right before Samvera Connect
    • This was problematic
  • We should refresh again right after Connect, so that there is follow-through
    • Tom: Concurs, extending into early November would permit a future group to charter itself at some time around the holidays
    • Trey: We will run through Connect and potentially even help generate the call for participation
      • Trey is not going to be a part of the next iteration
      • Do we need to recruit?  Are there volunteers in this WG?
      • Tom: Let's assume that we figure this out at Samvera Connect

Rails 6.0.0 Compatibility

  • Nobody is testing Rails 6.0.x yet
    • But, there should not be any problems with testing against newer releases of Ruby
  • Tom: A Hyrax branch exists which will drive core component compatibility
  • Trey: Are we at 5.2 compatibility?
    • Tom: Hyrax dependencies certainly are, and Tom will be releasing a Hyrax RC soon with these updates
    • Trey: Valkyrie supports Rails 6.0.x, but does not use much of Rails any longer

Meeting adjourned at 12:24PDT/15:24 EDT