Versions Compared


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3 outstanindg PR's with 2 where we know why its held

Update on 61 - haven't had a chance to look at it.  

12 things ready to get picked up.  Lot of things stem from 186.  Our desire to have more ehnaced nesting of menu items. 

Is there anything else for tickets on the board.  

Maybe doesn't drive work, but does help us catch things.  Challenge is how busy everyone is - the documentation stuff is something people do on the side.  Don't want to lose touch just because we're busy.  Missing a PO to groom backlog, no stand-ups.  POs and standups move tickets through the board.  Without those two components - not moving as rapidly as we're used to.  

  1. Other discussion

Stuff in project boards - working

Update at LDCX - Documentation effort is underway - bring people in to do the documentation for their effort - still missing some key components to moving items to done.  Someone to organize the work and push.

There are other documentation efforts out there - some effort put toward them.  No written down coordination strategy - what do we tell people?  What do we do?  Open for business?  Put stuff in here or speak more forcefully?  A lot comes down to - how good is the site?  If site is working well and is where people want to put documentation - then people will put it there. 

Educational process to put documentation there.  Having someone who will put the content in order - what left-hand menu item is this under?  No real search.  There's a way to use Elastic Search with a Jekyll site.

AI:  we should add a ticket to add search.  Good site, has some value already.  It's not comfortable - from a knee jerk reaction, make it easier to look there.  If I know something - make it easier to add.  

AI:  Show people the site at LDCX - three of our pages that are really good.  Raise awareness.  Show up at LDCX - show 3 things and things we need help on.

Gathering community around this  - Hyrax has a lot of documentation around its WIKI.  Why duplicate efforts?  Can we get all content moved over - move content over to Samvera GitHub.  Anyone who has that bookmarked - driven over to the site.  States as goal:  move content over.  

One task:  Move all documenation into .io.  Someone could do that pretty quickly.  Lot of stuff in DuraSpace Wiki - dev doc should be around more developer-centric application.  Wikis of GitHub are separate.  

Can we ask PO's to move the documentation to this thing.  Reach out to PO's in general - trying to collect all documentation in one place.  What kind of doc exists and what can we move into the site?  Those should be our PoC's. 

Message to LDCX:  2 or three themes

  1. Look at all the great documentation we've already got  
    1. Highlighting fact we have groups bringing documentation - here's some examples of how it's done
  2. Continued effort to consolidation of documentation
    1. streamline communication for getting content into the site:  Reaching out to newly designated owners of certain repos to make sure that happens
  3. Next Steps:  What we need for resources from community
    1. An actual sprint dedicated to the documentation - 2 weeks of working on documentation
    2. Less to do with content and more to making content easier to manage
    3. Lay out technical things for developers to solve 

Set up a project board for structure and one project board for documentation efforts - Technical Board and Content Board

Challenge of getting FTE time.  Have 5 developers doing 4 hours per week.  (20 hrs.)  But has to be well organized.  Tickets doable within 4 hours.  Pushing and asking for someone willing to take an organizational role a requirement for a successful sprint.  

Lynette - firmed that up and placed her notes in Slack.

Seques into general org of site:

Haven't done work toward versioning  - only difference between work Drew was looking at and what Lynette had done.  Doesn't change theory of how this is documented.  

Site is organization wide - all of Samvers, not just Hyrax.  title of site is Hyrax Developer Knowledgebase.  More product centered and therefore version centered?  

When we've been implementing version metadata - it's been Hyrax.  Specifiying a version of Hyrax.  An excellent organizational approach.  At highest level - we jump into weeds right away.  Can have different menus in current framework.  Could have an Avalon left hand menu/ Hyrax Lefthand menu/ Shared Lefthand menu.  

First level - what flavor you want to look at, then product, then versioning below that

The flexibility makes code a lot messier.  Top level generic - Smavera COmmunity - general repository up there.  maybe a blog.  Drill down process.  Then product.  Then version.  Doesn't all have to be in left menu.  Theme taken from Jekyll how-to guides - so not married to current theme.  We could bust out of it if we wanted to.  

Check into next time:Didn't get to HTML proofer - still a lot of broken images according to proofer

Blog:  Talk about at LDCX - we don't have a way to find and coordinate blog posts from community - we could collect some of that stuff scattered around the community.  

  1. Facilitator & Notetaker for next meeting
    1. Facilitator:  Drew
    2. Notetaker:  Ryan

Action items 
