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John Weise (University of Michigan)

Maria Whitaker (Indiana University)

Chris Awre (Hull)

Event Recording:


  1. Announcements, (5 min.)
  2. Hyrax Security Audit (Steve Van Tuyl, 15 min)
  3. Open Repositories - Recap (Those on call who attended, 15 min)


  1. Announcements, (5 min.)  Reminders for Community involvement
  • Call for proposals out for Samvera Connect 2018
  • Virtual Connect is July 11 – please register
  • Permissions working group would like feedback (see discussion list) 
  • Vote for the governance steering group will be published June 18 and open until July 9. Instructions for voting are on the page. 1 vote per institution.  

    2. Hyrax Security Audit (Steve Van Tuyl, 15 min)
  • What do we mean by security?  
    Hyrax is a system that allows things to be private per institution – how well is that working?  
    An audit  could be used to check to see if there are leaks 
  • Repository certification – ISO27001, CoreTrust seal  Question about how Hyrax fits in the software itself lends itself to being certified. 
  • Conduct a security audit, perhaps similar to accessibility audit, then let community know what the solution bundle is in that space.  
  • Richard Green said that the folks behind accessibility audit found a group 

Next steps: Hyrax group find 1 or more potential organizations to do the audit

  • Where does the conversation go after that?   Raise it at next partner meeting, then take a proposal to steering to release the money. 
  • Steve – who do we know in partners or in the community?  Can someone give Steve a name or two.  Will take messages offline.  Richard will put something out on partners list
  • University of Texas at Austin does security assessments for other higher ed orgs. 

3.    Update for Hyrax Working Group 

Tom Johnson (tech lead) and Steve Van Tuyl are scheduling a planning meeting with Jessica Hilt who is serving as a scrum master, and Chris Diaz who will be coordinating QA testing  to 

talk how best to structure the  Hyrax working group.  The proposal is to run a series of 2 weeks on 2 weeks off sprints with the developers that have .5 of their time committed to the working group.  They will be talking about how to do some clean up from the Hyrax 2.10 release and to sweep back through to pick up a handful of issues.  They will also look at the accessibility audit and tackle some of the issues surfaced there 

Q;  Maria Whitaker: has the 2 weeks on/2 weeks off been vetted with everyone who is volunteering .5 of their time? SVT:  circling back to that with the volunteers and have a conversation about what this time commitment really means.  

Q: Carolyn C:  How will this group coordinate with other groups that are doing development work on Hyrax?  

SVT: The working group isn’t meant to do all of the work that would be done in the community.  So with other issues that are emerging.  Issues that are on the road map that the working group may help with to give those efforts a boost:  

  • Analytics 
  • Bulk ingest edit and export functionality  - working group with Tom Johnson and Julie Allinson already, but Hyrax WG also talking about contributing time to make that a bigger team and effort. 

4. Open Repositories - Recap (Those on call who attended, 15 min)

No one on the call was actually there J  

Carolyn said that she heard there was a good deal of conversation about Esmé Cowles’ presentation on swappable back ends. (Reimaging Samvera)  

Next Meeting: July 13, 2018

Facilitator: TBD pending datepending 

Note Taker: TBD pending datepending