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Time: 3:00pm-4:00pm Eastern

Call-In Info: +1 (641) 715 3660, access code 651025 

Moderator:  Juliet Hardesty and ruth.k.tillman

Notetaker: Maggie Dickinson

Community Notes:

  • Attendees

    • Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)

    • Ryan Johnson (UC San Diego)

    • Jen Young (Northwestern University)

    • Ruth Tillman (Penn State University)

    • Maggie Dickson (Duke University)

    • Sarah Seymore (U of Oregon)

    • Julia Simic (U of Oregon)

    • James Griffin (Princeton University Library)

  • Subgroup Reports

    • MODS and RDF Descriptive Metadata Subgroup

      • Making their way through the hairy ones (names, subjects)

      • Meeting every two weeks, join if you are interested in catching up.

      • Next meeting Monday Oct 2 12pm EST - info available on wiki

    • URI Selection Working Group

      • No representative present

  • Issues/Questions

    • None mentioned

  • Topics

    • SMIG Scope & Objectives

      • No additional feedback received

      • Discussion of sunset milestones, etc.

      • Julie will update the wiki with revised scope and objectives

  • GitHub questions

    • Proposal to change mapping of required metadata property:keyword -


      • In agreement that the mapping change is a good thing.

      • Concern is people who are using the old property will need to migrate it so it’s not lost.

      • Ruth will check in with Julie Allinson

    • work.is_part_of metadata attribute usage in forms conflicts with AdminSet behavior -


      • This is an active issue.

      • Concern is that dc:isPartOf was being used to connect a work to an AdminSet, which was a problem for other uses of isPartOf. Wanted a different predicate for the AdminSet use case. PCDM came up, AdminSet may become a PCDM collection. If that happened, Is Member Of could be used for this relationship.

      • DCE might be working on this.

    • Maintain order of title, creator, keyword in metadata -

      • Originated at Northwestern - Digital Scholarship. IR users - Author order, keyword order is important for them. They want to maintain order that user supplies. Could be useful for other work types/domains.

      • Other institutions (Penn State, UCSD, etc) also looking into this. MODS/RDF subgroup has had this discussion about maintaining author order. Looking at suggested new predicate: provide a literal that is a comma separated list that shows the order, paired with creator field.

      • Discussion of simple/complex ways to deal with this. Scholarsphere:

      • Might have to use a stopgap method until we figure out how to do it better in Fedora or Samvera

      • Northwestern might have a projected path forward to share with community soon.

  • Penn State update

    • decided this week to use Valkyrie instead of Hyrax. Migrating a huge cultural object repository from CONTENTdm. Determined that due to size Valkyrie is the best bet, they’ll be doing some development on top of it (not sure what it will be yet - maybe Hyrax based).

    • Valkyrie serializes data differently from Fedora, needs an app built on top of it.

  • Northwestern

    • Valkyrie based sprint for Hyrax? Not meant to get rid of Fedora but to give options.

  • Samvera Connect metadata sessions


    • Valkyrie discussion

      • Can we get a session on this? Or someone could come to SMIG meeting to do a quick presentation?

      • SIGN JAMES UP! For talking about this at the Metadata IG. - where does it fit in the stack? What might be useful to tell our bosses and such?

      • Data mappers session is sort of oriented toward devs but everyone is welcome. Since everyone is new to Valkyrie it won’t be quite as developer-focused.

    • Metadata Interest Group meeting on Thursday November 9.

    • Ruth & Julie H. presenting on documenting metadata practices for migration projects.

    • Julie Allinson will be demoing Dog Biscuits app, modeling different types of objects in Hyrax.

    • Alex Dunn and Chrissy Rissmeyer presenting on using github for managing metadata

    • Panel on migration, will include metadata perspective (Julie H participating)

  • October SMIG meeting - scheduled for Oct. 24 during DLF Forum - cancel or can someone else moderate?

    • Meeting canceled.

    • Will look into providing call-in info for Samvera Connect meeting in November - stay tuned.

  • Informing from other IG/WG

    • Newspapers IG

    • UX IG

    • Repository Management IG

    • Analytics WG

    • Data Mapper WG

      • Six meetings left; no planned sprints. Likely to be a sprint for integrating Valkyrie with Hyrax prior to Samvera Connect, but this isn’t aligned with Data Mapper WG

      • Working on documentation now. MVP as well as general guidelines.

    • Applied Linked Data IG

    • Documentation WG

    • Collections Extensions WG

    • ContentDM Migrations WG

    • Plugins WG

    • Geo Predicates WG

  • Demos