Versions Compared


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  • The users of, interest in, resources, and talent pool of the Samvera community will spread far beyond the developers on the committers list, and their institutions
  • Samvera encourages and will facilitate taking code from contributors from many sources
  • The structure of the source code management (currently using git) will facilitate incorporating and using code from many sources
  • Samvera committers will actively take code contributions from non-committers and incorporate it into the code trunk
  • Working code wins
  • You get what you give [ getwhatyougive 405213662]
  • All contributed code must have full test coverage before it is committed. The current testing infrastructure is RSpec for everything but Rails views, and Cucumber for for Rails views.
  • Tests must be committed at the same time code is.
  • All javascript features (where feasible) should be added using “progressive enhancement” or “unobtrusive javascript” styles. Meaning the basic feature should work without Javascript, and the JS should be added as a progressive enhancement, and added via externally linked js files, not in-line in html source as script tags, onclick attributes, etc.
  • All bugs and development tasks will be tracked in JIRA
  • All code must be documented before it’s committed
