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27 April


Spkr OK?

Slot OK?

12:00 EDTHousekeepingMaria Whitaker10 mins(tick) (tick)

Relationship with Lyrasis

Status check on appointment of Community Manager and Technical Coordinator (slides)

Jon Dunn15 mins(tick) (tick)
12:25Finance and budget reports (slides)Richard Green15 mins(tick) (tick)
12:40Steering Group elections 2020 (slides)Richard Green5 mins(tick) (tick)

Connect 2020 and 2021 (and maybe 2022) - info and status checks

Connect 2020 in Santa Barbara has been cancelled as the direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  A virtual event will be arranged in place of the cancelled face-to-face conference.  See Brian McBride's presentation below for further details.  We plan to hold Connect 2021 at the University of Notre Dame (this was already in the early stages of planning as Rick Johnson's presentation below shows) and UC Santa Barbara hope to stage the event there in 2022.

Connect 2021 Status Update (slides)

Chrissy Rissmeyer

Rick Johnson

5 mins

5 mins

(tick) (tick)

(tick) (tick)

12:55Virtual Connect 2020 - info
May 14-15, 11am - 1pm EST
Currently 12 presentation proposals on a range of topics, 13 working group updates
Working on logistics - timetable likely available next week
Planning meeting on 4/30, until then proposals will still be accepted - ping David Schober and Franny Gaede on Slack if you do want to do so.
David Schober5 mins(tick) (tick)

Encouraging contributions to, and participation in, Connect conferences; ideas for format of fall Connect

Program Committee is reviewing how other conferences are dealing with needing to 'go virtual'.  Seeking input from Partners on how the virtual event might look.  Trying to capture all the valued aspects of past f2f Connects: dev congress, plenary, presentations, lightning talks, unconference, Partner meeting - also keep the social component: themed evening dinners, conversations over coffee.  Other conferences are trying a spread over several days, full-day and half-day on line, spread over multiple weeks with only a short (2hr?)presentation time each day. Can we/should we try to multiple track presentations?  Theme days? Topic days?  Trying to get a lot of feedback from the Community to put together something beneficial and to which people will feel welcome. Please everyone take some time to think this through and offer suggestions about how to structure tracks, themes, social components - either own ideas or ideas from other conferences.  What software might we use?  Need a good sample of data from the Community.  Helpful if we could have ideas by the time of the next Program Committee meeting on 7 May.  Plan to refine it and put 2-3 suggestions to the Virtual Connect meeting for consideration and discussion.  Note that having an online conference might bring in people who wouldn't have travelled to Santa Barbara and many of they could be 'newcomers'. Also online may give us an opportunity to try new ideas that we wouldn't couldn't have done in an f2f.

Initial feedback:
Spreading the conference out potentially allows someone to attend more events than they would physically have been able to but that scheduling your calendar becomes more difficult "people schedule over the top of you". 
Small group dinners have usually gone down well - perhaps we should try and make sure there is a social event (or several small ones) especially for new folks.  A "newcomers coffee hour"? 
In considering what CNI did to go virtual we should remember that they needed to arrange something very rapidly and we should realise that they did not have the luxury of a great deal of planning for it.

Contact brian dot mcbride at utah dot edu Slack: Brian McBride

Brian McBride15 mins(tick) (tick)

Governance assessment exercise (slides)

Governance Working Group produced a set of six recommendations. Exercise is to go through them and judge how well we are doing in implementing them.  Also going to survey more broadly - people who are interested in Samvera but not highly engaged - how we appear to people outside our Community but that we interact with.  Rank each recommendation in a similar fashion to the 'It takes a Village' report:
**Just getting started
**Making good progress but not yet fully accomplished
**Completed an under periodic review
**Don't know
Particularly wanting to surface any places where there is not a good consensus.

  1. Steering will become an elected body from Partners
    Overwhelming majority say 'done' but a handful (including several from Steering) say only 'good progress' (still one more election cycle to complete it).
  2. Samvera will hire centralized staff
    8 say just getting started, 21 say making good progress.
    Still some big questions up in the air and we are still uncertain when the first, let alone the second, appointment will be made.  People can't yet plan to take advantage of this staffing. Nevertheless we think we are close to hiring a Community Manager through Emory (despite the COVID problems) - we're closer to finishing that than to just starting.  Hope that the MOU with Lyrasis, which will allow Samvera to transfer the necessary monies to Emory straightforwardly, will be signed 'in the next couple of weeks' so that we could then post the position.  Contribution Model work takes us some way to putting together money for the Tech Coordinator position in the future.
  3. Samvera will develop a Contribution Model
    Similar split to (2).  We may have the paperwork but we haven't actually seen the money come in yet and we don't know how that will go. We are making progress towards spring 2022 when the contribution model minimum contribution comes into effect.  The Model was created not expecting a major financial crisis; this year will help us see how the Model can be made more resilient to cope with fluctuating funding situations at institutions in the future.  We probably need to put some thought into how we deal with institutions that genuinely can't meet their minimum in a given year.
  4. Partners will establish a Roadmap Council
    19 say completed and under review. Established and doing a lot of good work - looking forward to a Community Manager in place who can help with coordination across the Community.  RC is trying to transition to a body that knows things 'that are going to happen' rather than 'have happened'.  3 say 'making good progress but'.  Not all the Community is coordinating in the way that was envisaged when the Roadmap Council was created.  Several voted 'don't know' - knew that the RC had been formed but not very aware of what it has been doing.  Note that the RC feels they are about coordinating elements of the roadmap - not about creating it. "The reason we don't have a roadmap is that we don't have enough people moving the work forward to justify having one."  A roadmap would need cooperation between Avalon, Hyku and Hyrax "so that everyone is on the same page about what work is getting done."
  5. Newly established Steering will update bylaws
    Solid majority for 'completed and under periodic review'.
  6. Partners will assess governance at the end of 2019
    Accepting that it is now 2020, 
Esmé Cowles40 mins(tick) (tick)


28 April

12:00 EDTHousekeepingMaria Whitaker10 mins(tick) (tick)
12:10Samvera's use of Circle CIEsmé Cowles10 mins(tick) (tick)
12:20Brief reports from Roadmap Council, Component Maintenance WG, Hyku IG, Hyrax MWG and IG

Roadmap CouncilNabeela Jaffer7 mins (tick) (tick)

Component Maintenance GroupJames Griffin7 mins(tick) (tick)

Hyrax Maintenance Working GroupTom Johnson7 mins(tick) (tick)

Hyrax Interest Group (inc update on Hyrax PO)Rob Kaufman7 mins(tick) (tick)

Hyku Interest GroupRob Kaufman7 mins(tick) (tick)
12:55Report from Marketing Working Group including discussion on website updateChris Awre15 mins(tick) (tick)
13:10Process for forming Working and Interest Groups - review and update the guidelines?Robin Ruggaber30 mins(tick) (tick)
13:40Partner Ask for Upgrading Hyrax to Improve Valkyrie WorkJessica Hilt5 mins(tick) (tick)
13:45Parking lot
15 mins
14:00Wrap-up - evaluation of on-line versus f2f meeting (may be earlier depending on parking lot items)


Are job adverts put out on our lists successful?  Where did successful applicants hear about their jobs (do we know)?All

Email survey?

Code of Conduct review - status check

Jessica Hilt?move to monthly call?
