- Tom sent out an FAQ as a follow-on to the RC1 release
- Addressed the relationship between Valkyrie and Hyrax 3
- Since then, more substantial Wings work has been merged
- Application-facing patterns and features have been finished
- With that work progressing, there is a new Valkyrie usage guide for Hyrax
- Primer for those interested in playing with Wings as a part of their app.
- This is on the Hyrax Wiki
- This is something which one can do, but this is still is in its experimental stages regarding support
- Please take care to ensure that you are testing that your data is properly persisted
- Primer for those interested in playing with Wings as a part of their app.
Next Call:
- Moderator: LaRita
- Notetaker: Thomas Scherz
Tech Call concluded at 09:10PDT/12:10 EDT