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A work in progress. Schedule not finalized and subject to change.


Day 1: Tuesday, April 23, 2019

11:00-11:05 AM EDT
Day 1 Welcome and Housekeeping

Ryan Steans (Northwestern University)

All Audiences

Community Updates

Samvera Steering Update

Richard Green (Consultant to the University of Hull & Chair, Samvera Steering Group)

Jon Dunn (Indiana University & Chair-Elect, Samvera Steering Group)

The Chair and Chair-Elect of the Samvera Steering Group will discuss the work of Steering in a year of change. This discussion will cover the recent changes in the structure of Steering and efforts to increase transparency, along with a brief discussion of topics and issues that Steering is working on this year with the Samvera Community.All Audiences

Samvera Roadmap Council Update

Jen Young (Northwestern University)

A brief update on the work the Roadmap Council has done and will do since being constituted in October 2018.All Audiences

Samvera Fundraising Working Group Update

Karen Cariani (WGBH)

An update on the activities of the Samvera Fundraising Working Group.All Audiences

Samvera Marketing Working Group Update

Chris Awre (University of Hull)

We wish to share the ongoing work of the Samvera Marketing WG following its initiation in 2018. The goal for this year is to raise awareness of Samvera amongst different audiences that Samvera works with, both within our organisations and with potential new members of the community. Ideas, as ever, of what sells Samvera for you are welcome!All Audiences

Presentation #1

M3 and Hyrax: Bringing Flexible Metadata to the Samvera Community

Randall Floyd (Indiana University)

Julie Allinson (Co-Sector)

Ned Henry (UC Santa Cruz)

If you’re a developer or metadata specialist involved in building or managing a Hyrax based application, you may have discovered that developer time is required just to add new fields to Work Types or alter the behavior of existing fields in Hyrax edit forms and views. There are currently no features within Hyrax that allow for easy configuration-based metadata, so changes are required in multiple places to the code to accommodate needs beyond the core profile provided. This presentation will provide a glimpse into collaborative work currently underway that could be used as a basis to solve this problem for the Samvera community.

We will begin by summarizing some individual efforts to introduce "configurable metadata", such as Houndstooth, Scooby Snacks, Dog Biscuits, and Archetypes. We will then touch on the collaborative team that has emerged from those efforts - the Machine-readable Metadata Modeling Working Group, or M3 - which is currently working to develop a draft specification for a common format for metadata modeling. Finally we will provide an overview of how this specification could be used to develop a common feature to allow for more flexible and configurable metadata in Hyrax.

Developers, Metadata Specialists

Day 1 Lightning Talks
7-minutes each

Rethinking metadata design and management

Arwen Hutt (UC San Diego)

Ruth Tillman (Penn State)

For metadata specialists, creating metadata profiles, system requirements, and accompanying documentation often feels like a game of whack-a-mole. Current practices and technologies also mean comparing your profiles with another institutions’ is an enormous hassle. To address this problem, developers and metadatists came together to create the machine-readable metadata modeling (M3) specification. This presentation will offer some history and use cases for the specification, an update on its current status, and where to learn more.Metadata Specialists

Making Hyrax more inclusive through controlled vocabulary choice

Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)

What if the Hyrax web application were to support and include, by default, controlled vocabularies from marginalized communities? Currently Hyrax supplies a default set of descriptive metadata fields for describing uploaded objects. This set of fields includes Keyword (a required field) and Subject (an optional field). Neither of these fields are controlled by a vocabulary of terms upon install. The Questioning Authority (QA) gem exists as an option to configure and apply controlled vocabularies for use with fields such as these in Hyrax. While QA can be configured to work with nearly any vocabulary, the current vocabularies offered through the gem when it is installed include LCSH/NAF/GFT/MPT/DGT, FAST, Geonames, MeSH, Agrovoc, DBPedia, NALT, and Getty (AAT, TGN, ULAN). These are widely used mainstream sources for topical subject and genre description but also tend to reflect the current dominant mainstream power structure in the United States (white, male, straight, able-bodied, middle-class, Christian, Anglo). Should we increase the list of vocabularies available, by default, in the QA gem? Should we go beyond that and enable vocabulary choices on the default Subject and Keyword Hyrax fields? This lightning talk will discuss these questions and consider vocabulary options that would provide more inclusive descriptive capabilities.Developers, Repository or DAMS Managers, Metadata Specialists

From Institutional Repository to Digital Collections Management: Replacing CONTENTdm with Samvera/Hyrax

Kathryn Michaelis (Georgia State University Library)

Jon Bodnar (Georgia State University Library)

Since May 2018, the Georgia State University Library has been developing an instance of Samvera/Hyrax to replace CONTENTdm for digital collections management. After using CONTENTdm for more than a decade, certain features have become indispensable to our digital collections’ workflow. A key part of our development effort has been deciding which features to build into (or to remove from) Samvera/Hyrax. In this presentation, we will discuss how we have balanced updating and preserving workflows, and we will review some of the features we are implementing, including support for controlled vocabularies, oral history ingest and display, and bulk uploading.Repository or DAMS Managers, Metadata Specialists, Administrators

Introducing NewspaperWorks

Eben English (Boston Public Library)

This talk will discuss NewspaperWorks, a gem that provides content models, batch ingest tasks, and front-end functionality for digitized newspaper content. The gem is intended to be installed in a Hyrax-based repository application, and can be used to add newspaper content to an existing repository, or create a stand-alone newspaper content interface.

Developers, Repository or DAMS Managers, Metadata Specialists, Administrators

Avalon Media System Update

Jon Cameron (Indiana University)

David Schober (Northwestern University)

Ryan Steans (Northwestern University)

This presentation will cover Avalon progress from the past year focusing on new features that will be available in both Avalon 6 and 7.  In addition to discussion of core components such as Batch Ingest, Transcoding, and IIIF manifest generation, the team will showcase new features available on Avalon 6 (with eyes toward 7) such as  OHMS integration, the Timeliner and the Structural Metadata editor.  We will give an update on planned work such as design for Avalon 7, playlists, user management features, and permissions as we work toward building Avalon 7. DevOps and System Administrators, Repository or DAMS Managers, Metadata Specialists, Administrators

Structural Metadata Editor component for audio and video clips

Adam Arling (Northwestern University)

Dananji Withana (Indiana University)

Avalon Media System is upgrading it's UI component for handling structural metadata editing for an audio or visual work. The user can select and organize timespans in an AV work by manually typing bounding times and titles, or by interacting with a visual representation of the waveform. Technologies used are Peak.js and ReactJS.

Developers, Repository or DAMS Managers, Metadata Specialists, Administrators

An approach to File CRUD and attachment APIs

Sean Upton (University of Utah J. Willard Marriott Library)

Attaching files in Hyrax for purposes of ingest and other programmatic use is complicated. This talk describes some challenges around file attachment, generally, and presents a wrapper API with simpler calling semantics both for access and attachment of primary and derivative files (and abstraction of associated operations usually buried in the actor stack or asynchronous jobs). The adapter components providing this simple interface provide a uniform and succinct way for multiple ingests to have consistent behavior. This brief talk will present the proposed "assign and commit" calling semantics around file attachment, and make the case as to why this approach is the best fit for how Hyrax and associated stack components implement file attachment process. These components have been developed as part of the IMLS-funded Historic Newspapers in Samvera project.

Developers, DevOps and System Administrators, Repository or DAMS Managers, Anyone building ingest processes

Lightning Talk Q&A15-minutes for lightning talk questions and answersAll Audiences


Presentation #2

How Multi-tenant works in Hyku

Rob Kaufman (Notch8)

We'll go over the Apartment gem, what it means and how it is integrated in the the multi-tenant structure of Hyku.

Developers, DevOps and System Administrators

Working & Interest Group Updates
3-minutes each

Round Robin Reports

We'll hear updates from the following groups:

  • Samvera Metadata Interest Group Update - Julie Hardesty (Indiana University)
  • Samvera URI Selection Working Group - Ryan Wick (Oregon State University)
  • MODS to RDF Working Group - Eben English (Boston Public Library)
  • Machine-readable Metadata Modeling Specification (M3) Working Group - Chrissy Rissmeyer (UC Santa Barbara) or Arwen Hutt (UC San Diego)
  • Samvera Geospatial Predicates Working Group - James Griffin (Princeton University)
  • Newspapers Interest Group Update - Eben English (Boston Public Library)
  • Repo Managers Interest Group - Nabeela Jaffer (University of Michigan)
All Audiences

Day 1 Closing

Ryan Steans (Northwestern University)

All Audiences

Day 2: Wednesday, April 24, 2019

11:00-11:05 AM EDT

Day 2 Welcome and Housekeeping

Ryan Steans (Northwestern University)

All Audiences

Presentation #3

Samvera headaches: the choice between flexibility and ease of maintenance with multiple and multipurpose repositories

Richard Higgins (Durham University Library)

Olli Lyytinen (Durham University Library)

The presentation would start with a demonstration of the Samvera heads that we have developed for deploying and managing IIIF at Durham, looking particularly at what has worked and what has stretched the underlying Fedora repository to breaking point. In parallel we have developed a research data system based on Sufia and have now reached the stage where we need to either bring these systems together into a single package, or identify a clear break between where we should follow standard packages such as Hyrax and where local implementations are required. With developments like Valkyrie and the Oxford Common File System also imminent, it becomes tempting to just wait until they are released, further complicating the planning process.

It would be interesting to end with a discussion of the relative benefits of converging on one stable head or having a system that fulfills all institutional requirements, so this might work as part of a themed group of presentations.


Developers, DevOps and System Administrators, Repository or DAMS Managers

2 Closing

Ryan Steans (Northwestern University)

All Audiences