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Facilitator: Simeon Warner


  • Steering progress towards vote on bylaws (Richard Green)
  • Roadmap Council Charter (partner vote possibly combined with bylaws vote) (Richard Green)
  • Progress towards re-charter of Contributions Working Group (Richard Green)
  • Steering progress on charter of a Fundraising Working Group (Richard Green)
  • Marketing Working Group status re. feedback for the Samvera FAQ (Chris Awre)
  • Plans for Virtual Connect around March/April 2019 (Ryan Steans and Chrissy Rissmeyer) 
  • Plans for Spring Partner meeting (Jon Dunn, Rosy Metz, Carolyn Caizzi)
    • April 15-16 (Mon-Tue) – IUPUI University Library, Indianapolis
    • April 18-19 (Thu-Fri) – IUPUI University Library, Indianapolis
    • April 29-30 (Mon-Tue) – IUPUI University Library, Indianapolis
    • April 29-30 (Mon-Tue) – Emory Libraries, Atlanta
  • Hyrax Development - Resources Request and Roadmap (Steve Van Tuyl and Tom Johnson) -  requested by December 7
  • Hyrax-Valkyrie integration - survey, scope, support
  • Rationalization of wiki landing page - specifically moving WG/IG list to a sub-page (Richard Green)
  • Samvera & Hyrax Implementations page on Wiki (Nabeela Jaffer)
  • ...add things here...
  • Facilitator and Notetaker for December 14 meeting


  • ....
  • December 14 meeting:
    • Facilitator:
    • Notetaker:
  • Steering Update - progress on vote on ByLaws (Richard) 
    • 2 votes are put together into one ballot
    • Bylaws - Adopting the lot of Bylaws on block
    • Ratify the Roadmap Council Charter
    • Start vote on November 20th - close it on December 11  - Wiki Page has links to the ballot
  • Contributions WG - Rosalyn is putting together a follow up group 
  • Fundraising WG - charter - if other people want to join, they are welcome.  We currently have 5-6.  See Samvera Fundraising Working Group
    • looking for "a good sized group" we'll worry about to big of a group when that's a problem 
    • There is a timeline for deliverables
    • Ryan will add here the Wiki page
  • Marketing WG - Chris Awre - 
    • Feedback received - if folks have feedback they'd like to provide, we can receive that
    • CA will be picking up again - will be looking for additional members to Marketing 
  • Virtual Connect - Ryan will add notes here
  • Spring partner Meeting -
    • Usually at Stanford typically in March with LCDX.  This year moving the meeting to Indiana (see dates and place