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  1. Welcome / Check attendees list (above)
  2. Volunteer for note taker: 
  3. Facilitator arouner
  4. Additions/changes to agenda?  
  5. General comments on where we are / progress?
    1. Any items critical to address in the next 2 weeks (we can list here and then add as actions items below)
      1. Scholarship Committee/related issues?

        1. who initiates this? what is the program committee's relationship and role?  Richard Greene advises that we put out a call for volunteers to form a committee. Get the message out this week. Look up the text used last year.

        2. Utah is planning on offering scholarships, extent will depend on hotel registrations and overall attendance.
  6. Scheduling/future meetings (just for reference)
    1. Additional meeting dates have been added (all meetings listed):
      1. 2018-04-03 Program Committee
        2018-05-01 Program Committee
        2018-06-13 Program Committee
        2018-07-03 Program Committee
        2018-07-17 Program Committee
        2018-07-31 Program Committee
        2018-08-07 Program Committee
        2018-08-21 Program Committee
        2018-09-04 Program Committee
        2018-09-18 Program Committee

    2. Committee members known time-off or missing for future meetings (can write in following meeting)
      1. Andrew: June 25-29; August 6-8, 22-27 (no meeting conflicts)
      2. Margaret: July 13 - 23 , possibly missing 7/17 meeting 
      3. Emily: July 30-August 3 (no meeting conflicts)
      4. Richard: September 4th & 18th
      5. Hannah: July 23-August 7 (will miss 8/7 meeting)
    3. Other scheduling items?
      1. arouner Andrew will be out for next scheduled meeting 8/7
      2. Do we want to cancel, or can someone volunteer to facilitate?
  7. Host Committee
    1. Conference site here: 
    2. Registration
      1. Open 6/4/2018; announced at OR
      2. Number of registrations so far?  
    3. Posters
      1. Utah offering FREE poster printing?
      2. Deadline to submit/upload posters for printing? Wednesday October 3 @ 5:00 pm MST
      3. Info on how to submit posters will be made available
    4. Scholarship Committee
      1. Richard Green sent out call–one response as of last meeting--update?
      2. September 6 will be point @ which host committee will know how many scholarships will be available
  8. Finalizing workshops:
    1. Workshops concluded but
      1. Were Chris and Nabeela's times to am and pm?
    2. Late-added proposals will be approved pending room availability
      1. Brian has confirmed room availability
      2. Andrew will reply back to proposers after–regrets; will this week
      3. Andrew will reply back to all workshop leaders after switching Chris and Nabeelas times to am and pm, and rooms have been assigned, to make sure times are OK for presenters; have done by next meeting!
      4. Kevin Musiorski–"Hop, Skip, & a Jump: Sufia to Hyrax"
        1. submitted 7/14–should we consider this as a workshop?
        2. Kevin indicates, "Not sure if this is best as a workshop or a presentation...[but]...a workshop would be the best outcome so participants can begin the process hands-on"
    3. Workshop registration
      1. Brian is taking workshop registrations manually for now.
      2. Brian McBride decided to use Eventbrite for workshop registration–update?
      3. Currently X conference registrations--update?
      4. First week of August we should have email after Connect program meeting on the 31st–email to workshop registrants and all with final workshop times and room assignments
    4. Thanks to whomever updated the workshops wiki page and spreadsheet! (Brian?)
    5. Page listing workshops on Samvera wiki: SC18 - Workshops at Samvera Connect
    6. Spreadsheet with additional information:
    7. Facilities / Rooms available for conference - info provided by host committee
      1. Rooms have not been assigned for all workshops yet
      2. Utah spreadsheet with information about room capacity/capability:
  9. Panels & Presentations Call
    1. There are 32 proposals submitted as of 7/31
    2. Recommendations from the committee on additional panels/discussion sections?
    3. Richard will email reminders this Thursday and next Thursday
  10. CFP for Lightning Talks and other formats (besides unconference)?
    1. Richard: do we need to explain to people how they do that?
    2. Last year we let people make proposals right up uni the time people gave them, but we should have a "notional" deadline and
    3. Should NOT let people know we'll also be accepting them at the conference (to encourage them to do it ahead)
    4. We will need a sign-up page on the wiki, with a notional deadline of 24th of September
    5. Then if there are still empty slots, we can let people sign up at the conference
    6. We'll need to know first when and where in the schedule the lightning talks will take place–so this will be dependent on getting the panels and presentations set first
  11. GENERAL conference items
    1. Non-workshop/panel program items
      1. Plenary
        1. “State of the Samvera Community” address–20 minutes
        2. What other non-panel items to we need to discuss/approve?
        3. WG/IG updates–we've had one inquiry from Benjamin Armintor wanting to give lightning talk if no WG/IG updates
          1. Do we want WG/IG updates at Connect?
          2. At one Connect, all WG/IGs were announced but several had no updates etc.  Last year I think was OK.
          3. Option: replace this with updates at Virtual Connect and maybe one other time a year (b/c I thought it was so effective at VC)
          4. And maybe be replaced with simpler (brief) descriptions of the various WG/IGs and what they're pursuing and invitations to participate?
          5. Following brief initial discussion I anticipate others will want to keep WG/IG updates at Connect, which would be fine
          6. If we do have these updates at Connect, we should contact chairs ahead of time to ask for updates and assure someone will speak for the group
          7. Maybe we could ask for (brief) descriptions of the various WG/IGs combined with brief activities (so it's less like reading meeting minutes)
    2. Live-streaming–complete by 8/30 (defer discussion to next week)
      1. Chris Diaz read a paper that came out about individuals doing conference live-streaming and will summarize at our next meeting on 7/17/2018 and posted this paper to our Google Drive 
      2. LPC have live-streamed conferences using cells; they get tripods and mics; and use twitter and periscope for sessions; then upload to youtube 
      3. Chris thinks its very do-able; Richard wonders who pays for cell data?  Chris suggesting using a library tablet with wifi; wifi better for bandwidth
      4. Emily says Periscope will give info on numbers of people 
      5. Chris will follow up with Brian 
    3. Video releases–complete by 8/30 (defer discussion to next week)
      1. Micah Zeller submitted a baseline release from for workshop & panel presenters; discuss concerns raised by Richard...
      2. Richard: first, drop "project" from document
      3. Second what about lanyards and people might get accidentally into pictures
      4. Micah suggested our videos should get releases from just presenters and alert audience members who don't want to be photographed 
      5. Room captains could be given a blurb 
      6. We could also put up 2-3 BIG posters 
      7. Richard suggests asking people handing out lanyards (at registration tables) to point out those posters and tell people sessions will be recorded 
    4. Including everybody 
      1.  Richard Green initiated a Mentorship Committee (in part to assure no one is isolated at Connect)–thank you! 
      2.  Robin Lindley Ruggaber will head Mentorship Committee
  12. Review communication timeline / 
    1. Next communications:
      1. When should next reminder CFP for presentations & panels go out?
      2. CFP for Lightning Talks
    2. Additional communications/issues upcoming?
      1. IN EVERY MESSAGE GOING OUT, REMIND PEOPLE OF ALL THE THINGS TO DO (with relevant links): registration, conference proposals, etc.
      2. Review tools and processes for planning–who is familiar with and/or has admin access to these?
  13. Tools for organization
    1. Richard thinks we need to plan that there is a daily email for all the info for the day
      1. Off the normal program–like the photograph, sign lightning talks etc. every morning 
      2. But we need a list of attendee emails
    2. Brian requested we start using Slack–yes
      1. "Samvera Connect" is a private slack channel
    3. Waffle board for organization and tracking of sessions and speakers
      2. Discussion/suggestions for moving info from Google form for panel proposals > Waffle board?
      3. Richard–gut feeling is we could copy & pasted probably as fast (as trying to do something programmatically)
      4. May have been asked & answered but: the board is still filled from last year–can we just write over it?  Should we delete all first?
      5. Short answer: Yes; Andrew & Richard will try to sort waffle board  
    4.  Google drive
      1. Chris set up for 2018
      2. Link: program planning and structure of past Connect conferences
    5. Sessionizer for timetabling unconference sessions
      2. Script run (originally created by Peter Binkley) to scrape wiki and put into GitHub repo (above)
      3. Aaron Collier  inquired about Sessionizer and notes:
        1. Erin Fahy ran the sessionizer service on her own heroku account. Apparently it wasn’t very costly (like < $20-30 the whole time). I’m going to reach out to her shortly to see if we can continue to use that or need to set up our own.
  14. ACTION STEPS from 7/17 meeting:
    ACTION: arouner ADD calendar meeting for next Samvera program committee call (Jul 31); check other dates toodates too.–DONE
    ACTION: arouner CORRECT calendar meeting invitation/links for each Samvera program committee call (so link on page matches link in invitation)–DONE
    ACTION: arouner will contact late-breaking proposal organizers to confirm their workshops are accepted 
                   Andrew will reply back to all workshop leaders after switching Chris and Nabeela's times to am and pm (see ) and rooms have been assigned, to make sure times are OK for presenters; have done by next meeting!
    ACTION: Brian McBridewill has updated the tentative workshop schedule and the room assignments for each workshop–Thank you!
    ACTION:  Richard Green and arouner  will begin sorting out using waffle board and moving panel proposals to waffle board 
    ACTION:  Richard Greenwill has follow-up with Robin Lindley Ruggaber and others re: mentor program (to assure people new to the conference don't get lost)–Thank you!
    ACTION:  Richard Green will email  will has emailed reminders (presentation proposals, registration reminders, etc.) this Thursday and next Thursdaylast two Thursdays–Thank you!
    ACTION: Emily Stenberg will has added draft language on recordings (for room captains to communicate at taped sessions) –Thank you!
    ACTION:  Brian McBride will email to workshop registrants and all with and 
    ACTION: arouner will check final workshop times and room assignments and contact late-breaking proposal organizers to confirm their workshops are accepted 
    ACTION: arouner will email all workshop leaders to make sure times are OK for presenters; ask them all to register for conference
    ACTION:  Richard Green and arouner  will begin sorting out using waffle board and moving panel proposals to waffle board