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Note that Working Groups must have participants from three different Partners.  All members of a working group producing software must be licensed Samvera contributors covered by the appropriate CLAs. Other types of contributions such as requirements, design, best practices, documentation, etc. - do not require CLAs but particpants should accept that the materials to which they contribute may be released under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License..

  • Tom Johnsonfacilitator (Data Curation Experts (DCE))
  • Julie Allinson (CoSector, University of London)
  • Jim Coble (Duke)
  • Brian McBride (University of Utah)
  • Alexandra Dunn (UCSB)
  • Chrissy Rissmeyer (UCSB)
  • James Van Mil (U Cincinnati)
  • Gregory Reser (UC San Diego)
  • your name here (your institution here)
