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The system architect for an application can decide how many collection types are needed and the characteristics a collection type should have.  Since this is a new concept, there are examples given in the descriptive text of the screen.  You can see that it lists User Collections that any user can create to organize their work, Exhibits which can only be created by curation staff for the purpose of public consumption, Controlled Collections which correspond to organizational units like university level, school level, department level, and Community Collections which can be used to create DSpace type communities and collections.  The types listed here provide examples of what you might want to do.  The actual names and characteristics of these the collection types for a given site are designed by you to meet the needs of your application.  These are simply examples to give you an idea of what you can do.

So let's take a look.  There are two collection types that are pre-defined for you.  User Collections are defined to bring in the functionality of the pre-extensions collection behaviors.  When you migrate to Hyrax with Collection Extensions, all existing collections are assigned the type User Collection.  You won't have to take any action for this to happen.  It is the default behavior of collection extensions to make this assignment.  To see how the User Collections type is configured, we will click Edit.

You have the ability to rename the User Collection type.  And you can update the description.  The end user will see both a list of these collection types in a modal to select collection type when creating a new collection .  They see the modal only if they have the ability permissions to create collections of more than one type.  If they can only create one type of collection they will go straight to the new collection form.

On the settings tab, you will begin to get a feel for the enhancements that were made to collections.  There are a number of checkboxes that define the behaviors of a collection type. 


Managers of a collection type are given edit access to all collections of that type at the point when the collection is created. For User Collections, you will likely set the manager to be the admin group.  If you have a type Library Exhibits, you might want to have one or two library staff users who can manage these collections.  This can reduce the burden on the IT staff to handle basic management of collections.


It is important to note that access related to participants is granted at the time the collection is created.  If you later remove an individual and add another one, this will impact future collections when they are created, but will not change permissions on existing collections.  It is recommended that you grant participant permissions to a group instead of an individual.  For example, you can create a group 'library exhibit managers'.  Then if a person changes jobs or responsibilities, it is a matter of adding and removing them the user from the group and adding their replacement to the groupThey The new user will get appropriate edit access to the collections as a collection type manager through their group affiliation.


On the descriptions tab, you can change the description.  You cannot change the Type Name.  During this initial implementation, Admin Sets are not implemented as collections.  They are exposed through the UI as though they are collections to create a consistent UI for users.  The reason they are not implemented as collections is that they have additional functionality that was not brought into collections with this first implementation sprint for collection extensions.  In the future, We have set the stage for admin sets may to become regular collections with a specific pattern of settingsin the future.

So what might those settings look like?  By the current definition of admin sets, they are...
