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  • collections set read_groups and read_users based on VIEW access
  • admin_sets allow everyone to view all admin sets. This is incompatible with collection type approach and will need to be revisited before admin_sets can become just another collection type.

Impact of Participants on admin_set/collection and works

For Admin Sets:

definition in UIadmin set solr docability: can? create_in_adminsetwork solr doccomments

Managers of this administrative set can

  • edit the set metadata, participants, and release and visibility settings
  • edit work metadata
  • add to or remove files from a work
  • add new works to the set


trueedit_accessadmin is always a manager
:depositDepositors can add new works to this administrative set.N/Atrue
access to works are granted only for works the user creates

Viewers of this administrative set can

  • view works in the set regardless of the visibility settings applied to the work. For example, viewers can view works in this set even if the works are currently embargoed or restricted.

For Collections:

definition in UIcollection solr docability: can? create_in_collectionwork solr doccomments
:manageManagers of this collection can
  • add to and remove works from the collection
  • modify collection metadata
  • delete the collection


trueedit_accessadmin is always a manager

Depositors of this collection can

  • view the collection
  • add works to it, even if the visibility permissions of the collecton otherwise would not permit them to view it.
access to works are granted only for works the user creates

Viewers of this collection can

  • view it even if the visibility permissions of the collection otherwise would not permit them to view it.

Visibility, which also impacts the collection solr doc's read_access field, is set in collection edit form → Discovery tabNOTE: There is a  difference in definitions and in read_access set on admin_sets and collections for depositors and viewers.  I would propose that Admin Sets use the same behavior as collections.  This change will results in Depositors and Viewers being able to view the admin show page of the admin set AND see them listed in Managed Collections tab in Dashboard → Collections. 

This makes sense for viewers since they must have some special connection with the admin set to be able to see works in it even when they are embargoed or private.  This can make sense for depositors when there are multiple admin sets being used for organization.

My concern is for the special case of a site using a default admin set because they have to.  Users must be able to deposit in it.  In this case, the default admin set is the full set of all works in the repository.  It does not make sense for users to view the show page for that admin set or see it in Managed Collections.