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  1. Welcome to newcomers (1-2 min.) No roll call, but please add your name to attendees list below (at end of page). 
  2. Facilitator and notetaker for October 13th, 2017 Call and call for future presenters (1-2 min)  
    1.  (Notes)  
    2.  (Moderater)
  3. Samvera Connect 
    1. Program Committee update - Nabeela Jaffer   The program committee is meeting bi-weekly.  61 registrations already.  There will be a registration reminder soon.  Workshops are decided.  Next step is to look at plenary and other program details.  
    2. Agenda & logistics for partners meeting at Connect - Steering    Notes below (through items i. and ii.) are from Richard Green.  Andrew added that the working assumption is that the meeting will end Friday at noon.  
      1. Steering have been working on assumption assumption Connect partners meeting would end at noon 
      2. Richard Green passed along 2 questions brought to his attention for discussion at partners meeting at Connect:
        1. the 2017 Samvera Annual Report – what things should be in it and who should write them?
        2. Spending plans – spending was put on hold during rebranding  so what would partners prioritize for Samvera and how do we ensure it happens?
      3. Other questions/issues that should be discussed at the Connect partners meeting? (Linda commented that governance is likely to be on the agenda.  Mike and Andrew confirmed that this is one item of a more detailed agenda for the Partners meeting to be set.)
      4. Karen commented that we should look for the email from Kristi on Sept. 6th about lodging reservations for the rooms for the extra day for the partner meeting.  Andrew commented that today may be the deadline.
      5. Chris Awre called to our attention a recent email from the Scholarship committee for Samvera Connect.
  4. Short Presentation: Hyrax 2.0 highlights (10 minutes) - Michael Joseph Giarlo and Steve Van Tuyl
    1. Introduction to Hyrax (and its relationship to Sufia and CurationConcerns)
      Hyrax is a front end based on Samvera components supporting common repository features.   Tested on the latest Fedora 4 release.  Hyrax is often the base of a rails application.  Hyrax was born as a new gem taking its code from Sufia 7 and Curation Concerns 2, mashed together and renamed as Hyrax.  It represents a convergence of a number of solutions, Sufia, Curation Concerns, Worthwhile and Curate.  The architecture working group held a session at Hydra Connect last year to discuss the proposal for the merge of Sufia and Curation Concerns.  The boundaries between Sufia and Curation Concerns were becoming blurry and difficult for developers to navigate and it made sense to combine.    We've been working on Hyrax since last year's Hydra Connect meeting in Boston.  Hyrax 1.0 was a platform providing a path for Sufia migrations.  Hyrax 2.0 is for new adopters. 
    2. What's in Hyrax 2.0.0?
      consolidated dashboard (there used to be two for depositor and administrator).  The new single dashboard is driven by your abilities in the system.  The dashboard is collapsible to allow more screen real estate, and contains new administrative functionality - changing site pages, updating some static pages. 
      The UI is now translated into 7 languages.
      A set of new views around embargoes and leases is coming soon.
      Disentangled licenses from rights statements and require rights statements by default.
      Improved support for nested data structures (works within works) and controlled vocabulary (have connected geonames to location fields).
      New background jobs improve the submission pipeline.  
      A new background job knows how to hook into the Fedora import/export tool - future work will add this capability to the dashboard.
    3. Hyrax 2.0.0 testing plan and how to help (Steve Van Tuyl)
      The new repository managers interest group has taken over the testing of Hyrax 2.0.0.  A shared instance of Hyrax is being hosted by DCE and provides a common place for those who are curious to look at it, and it is a common place for group testing.  
      The repository managers interest group plans to also release documentation with each new release.  
      Testing will happen across several browsers and  operating systems and accessibility testing is being added.
      The documentation from the Repository Managers group about UI and Repository management may be added to the documentation home started by the documentation working group.
      Over the next year, in the Hyrax 2.x series of releases
    4. Hyrax 2.x roadmap preview
  5. FYI  – more reaction from the announcement of the acquisition of bepress by Elsevier:
    1. SPARC and COAR issued a joint statement indicating it underscores 
    2. which generated a proposal being discussed on the SPARC listserv thread called the "2.5% Commitment,"  calling on academic libraries to support several initiatives (through a "United Way like organization that would receive contributions and distribute them"):
    3. "This common infrastructure can be defined broadly but it would include at least contributions to: projects like DSpace, Fedora, Hyku, Open Journal System, ArchivesSpace or Islandora..."
    4. Since the proposal in development "is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license" it's attached below
  6. Other news/items
    1. Call for Participation in Samvera EZID to DataCite DOI Working Group - Rick Johnson
  7. For next month's Samvera Partner call, October 13 [ blank ] will take notes, and [ blank ] will facilitate.


Mike Korcynski (Tufts)

Simeon Warner (Cornell)

Robin Lindley Ruggaber (UVa)