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Updates: General updates Fedora 6.5.1 Released (should be by the time of this meeting anyway) Status of Nurax Testing instance for Performance Work? Hyrax and Fedora 6 update We have full Fedora 6 support through the Valkyrie adapter with all tests passing Holding the release back to ramp up our dependency support to Ruby 3.3 and Rails 7.2 Chris Colvard and I spent several sprints last year on that, and Daniel and I are halfway through a sprint right now that just saw the test suite turn to all green We have several QA people in the sprint who will be doing their scripted testing on that We need to test official 6.5.1 (Docker environment currently using 6.5.1-RC3)
What work remains? |
Updating the Charter |
Wrap Up Next meeting: Next note taker: Tom Wrobel |