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General Accessibility

For R4, the Avalon team worked with Indiana University's UITS Assistive Technology and Accessibility Centers to identify work we could do to improve Avalon's accessibility. More information about the report can be found here


  • The default language (English) is declared on each page.
  • The search field uses an associated label element to enhance screen reader support.
  • Search terms are included at the beginning of the page titles for search result pages.
  • Selected facet labels are included at the beginning of the page titles for browse pages.
  • The URL provided to share (link to) specific content includes an appropriate title attribute.
  • The "more >>" links leading to additional facet options on browse pages includes the appropriate facet label for screen readers, e.g. "more Collection >>", "more Language >>".

Keyboard Access

Users can navigate the Avalon Media System by using the keyboard.


The user can trigger an element's behavior by pressing the ENTER key, e.g. once a link is focused, pressing ENTER will open the link in the browser.

Skip to main content

The first element on each page - when using the TAB key - is a "Skip to main content" link. This link moves the browser focus to the main content of the page, minimizing the number of times a user has to press the TAB key to get to the most prominent part of the page. When viewing an audio or video page, the "Skip to main content" link moves focus directly to the Play button.

Player Accessibility

Keyboard Access

Using the TAB key allows users to move forward through each button on the player: Play/Pause, Mute Toggle, Stream Quality, Create Thumbnail, and Fullscreen. As each element is focused it will be surrounded by an outline, in order to enhance its visibility from other elements on the page.
