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Table of Contents

Archivematica recommendations

Transfer and Ingest microservices are performed via an Avalon-optimized pipeline.

Each file will step through all of the Transfer and Ingest microservices and create an AIP.

Processing configuration

Avalon-optimized processing configuration

Documentation on processing configuration fields.

Suggested choice is in bold, other options are normal weight.



The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Assign UUIDs to directories

Directories are given an entry in the fileSec and assigned a unique universal identifier (UUID). Note that the digital objects in the transfer are always assigned a UUID.


  1. No - UUIDs are not assigned.

Send transfer to quarantine

Transfers are sequestered until virus definitions can be updated.


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Remove from quarantine after (days)

Transfers are automatically removed from quarantine after a defined number of days and made available for further processing.


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Generate transfer structure report

A text file is generated showing a directory tree of the original transfer structure.


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Perform file identification (Transfer)

Choose whether or not to identify the format of the files in your transfer.


By default, Siegfried is chosen because it uses the UK National Archives’ PRONOM database to identify and verify file formats, and the process is quicker than the other file identification option that relies on PRONOM (FIDO).

Extract packages

Packages (such as .zip files) are unzipped and extracted into a directory.


MediaConch can be configured to ensure files are within the scope of appropriate files. MediaConch specializes in analysis for media files. If these are being checked in a pre-validation step MediaConch could be skipped, or could be used for institutions worried about very specific or unusual file formats being processed by Avalon. If additional configuration for this feature is not done, this can be set to “No - policies are ignored.”

Examine contents

Run Bulk Extractor, a forensics tool that can recognize credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other patterns in data. For more information on reviewing Bulk Extractor logs, see the Analysis pane on the Appraisal tab.


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Create SIP(s)

Create a formal SIP out of the transfer or send it to the backlog.


The Avalon workflow does not require processes to stop between the Transfer and Ingest stages of Archivematica. A SIP can be created automatically without human intervention, and the Backlog feature is not being used with this workflow.

Select file format identification command (Ingest)

Choose a tool to identify the format of files in your SIP.


There is no need to run this process twice, and running it during the Transfer stage is sufficient for this workflow.


Convert ingested digital objects to preservation and/or access formats. See Normalize for more information.


For the Avalon workflow, Avalon is the service responsible for creating transcoded access copies from preservation-level master files. Because of this, the Normalization step can be skipped. This is normally the point in Archivematica when a DIP is created, but the Avalon workflow should use the automation_tool’s feature of creating a DIP from an existing AIP in order to transfer all assets and allow Avalon to make decisions based around the normalization of files.

Approve normalization

The dashboard allows users to review the normalization output and the normalization report.


  1. None - the user has a chance to review and approve normalization.
  2. Yes - skip the review step and automatically continue processing.

Generate thumbnails

This gives the option of generating thumbnails for use in the AIP and DIP.


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Perform policy checks on preservation derivatives

If you create policies using MediaConch, run the policies against the newly-created preservation derivatives to ensure conformation.


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Perform policy checks on access derivatives

If you create policies using MediaConch, run the policies against the newly-created preservation derivatives to ensure conformation.


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Bind PIDs

Assign persistent identifiers and send the information to a Handle Server (must be configured).


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Document empty directories

By default, Archivematica removes empty directories and does not document that they existed.


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Reminder: add metadata if desired

Archivematica allows users to see add metadata to the SIP using the GUI. This reminder occurs at the last moment that it is possible to add metadata; once the ingest proceeds past this point, it is no longer possible to add metadata to the SIP.


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature.

Transcribe files (OCR)

Users can elect to run Tesseract, an OCR tool that is included in Archivematica, to produce text files containing file transcripts. For more information, see (see Transcribe SIP contents).


The Avalon workflow does not require the use of this feature. Tesseract does not work on media files.

Select file format identification command (Submission documentation & metadata)

Choose a tool to identify the format of any submission documentation and/or metadata files that were included in your transfer.


  1. None - the user is prompted for a decision.
  2. Identify using Siegfried - use Siegfried to identify files by their signature.
  3. Identify using Fido - use fido to identify files by their file signature.
  4. Identify by File Extension - identify files by their extension rather than their signature.
  5. Skip File Identification - file identification is not run on submission documentation or metadata files.

Select compression algorithm

AIPs created by Archivematica can be stored as compressed packages or uncompressed, depending on your storage requirements.


The default packaging and compression algorithms is recommended.

Select compression level

If you selected a compression choice in the step above, you can determine how compressed you would like your AIP to be. Selecting a higher compression level means that the resulting AIP is smaller, but compression also takes longer. Lower compression levels mean quicker compression, but a larger AIP.


The default packaging and compression algorithms is recommended.

Store AIP

Once processing is complete, AIPs can be stored without interrupting the workflow in the dashboard.


The AIP can automatically be stored and sent to preservation storage.

Store AIP location

If the previous step and this step are configured, all AIPs will be sent to the selected storage location (unless you have included a custom processing configuration with the transfer that defines another location).


The workflow should be configured with the desired storage option, and this option can be set as the default location. If this option is not set as the default location, the specific storage location can be used here instead. This may be the case if Archivematica is used for mixed workflows and other materials should go to a storage location that is not shared with the Avalon Media System.

Upload DIP

If a DIP was created, it can be automatically sent to an access system for which there is an Archivematica integration.


DIP upload is not a component of the Avalon workflow.

Store DIP

If a DIP was created, it can be stored without interrupting the workflow in the dashboard. Note that DIP storage is not required, and that DIPs can be created on demand by reingesting the AIP.


DIP upload is not a component of the Avalon workflow.

Store DIP location

If the previous step and this step are configured, all DIPs will be sent to the selected storage location (unless you have included a custom processing configuration with the transfer that defines another location).
